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June 13, 2024
min read

Travel & Remote Work. Starter Guide for Digital Nomads.

Irena Piątkiewicz
Marketing Manager

Living out of a suitcase may not be for everyone. Some people want stability and a familiar environment. But if a tiny voice in your head keeps whispering about endless travel and adventure, read on! In this article, we have gathered information to help you prepare for your long-term travel while working remotely.

Who are the Digital Nomads?

Traveling the world and working from anywhere can be a life-changing experience. Digital nomads are people who live in different places while working remotely. They change their location regularly, choosing hotels, colivings, campers, and even tents. The length of their stay depends on their preferences or official matters (described below). Nomads spend time abroad sightseeing, trying local cuisine, and learning about the culture.

As the Internet became more accessible, work became less location-dependent. People who couldn't travel full-time before seized the opportunity and started the journey without a destination. Thanks to remote work, they can afford to be on the road and live an amazing adventure. After the COVID-19 pandemic, this trend became even more pronounced. Remote work is no longer limited to freelancers and solopreneurs. Full-time employees (called "anywhere workers") are traveling the world as well.

The term "digital nomad" first appeared in the 1990s. As the computer network developed, we began to see new opportunities to leave our offices. Today, the number of digital nomads is expected to grow up to 60 million by 2030, according to the WYSE Travel Confederation.

Another popular way to travel in the digital age is through workation - a combination of the words work and vacation. Workation occurs when employees travel to a holiday destination while working remotely. They typically stay there for a few months or weeks and then return home. What distinguishes them from digital nomads is that they have a permanent residence and the long trip is just a break from routine.

Laptop on desk in cosy cafe

Pros and cons of Digital Nomad lifestyle

What's so appealing in never-ending travel?

It broadens the mind and exposes you to other cultures, cuisines and traditions. Travelers can make new friends all over the world and see their dream destinations. Experience the lives of locals and see the challenges they face.

Some digital nomads choose to stay in cheaper countries to raise their standard of living - like moving from a tiny apartment to a charming beach house. Besides, the weather can be the deciding factor. Why spend the winter in a gloomy city full of smog when you can sunbathe on a picturesque island?

On the other hand, as we mentioned at the beginning, this lifestyle is not for everyone. People who value their own space can quickly feel the disadvantages of nomadic living. The absence of family and friends can result in loneliness. It can be overwhelming to have no support network.

Being on the road doesn't help you develop a routine and affects productivity. You may feel that you are constantly at work and not experiencing the charms of new places. Fortunately, there are several ways to increase your productivity while working away from home. We wrote more about best practices in remote work in this article.

At Peakforce, we follow a remote-first approach and support our "anywhere workers". When recruiting for our team, we don't have to focus on specific regions or stick to geographical boundaries. Experienced people who fit our company can be anywhere. If you commit to the tasks assigned to you, your location won't be a problem.

Infographic with main points from the checklist below

How to prepare for a long trip? Checklist before you go

  1. Make research about the country and city
    Although it may seem obvious, sometimes our assumptions are not in line with reality. Consider aspects such as the weather, the cost of living, and the political situation. Pro tip: use the page to check living conditions in cities around the world.
  2. Check the quality of the Internet connection
    Remote working depends on internet access. Talk to potential landlords before you rent, ask about the bandwidth and, if necessary, request a screenshot of the speed test page. This is an important step as it may determine the quality of your work over the next few months.
  3. Make sure to work in a comfortable environment
    Not every apartment has a dedicated workspace. Before you book your stay, look for nearby coworking spaces or cafes with available Wi-Fi and power outlets. To make your search much easier, use the websites and mentioned below. Visit for user recommendations and Q&A about your travel destination.
    If you want to arrive fully prepared, here are a few more things to check:
    • restaurants and shops nearby
    • public transport
    • car parks (with prices)
    • local apps e.g. to buy parking tickets
    • payment (cash and multi-currency card)
  4. Prepare necessary documents
    Starting with those that allow you to enter a country, such as an identity card, passport or visa, but also a driving license and an EHIC card in the European Union. Don't forget to prepare permits for your relatives in case you have to deal with formalities in your home country. Check the length of your visa-free stay and the fees you may incur. The number of countries offering a digital nomad visa is growing, so consider this option as well.
  5. Take care of insurance
    Long-stay travel insurance may include cover for medical and transport costs, accidents, lost or stolen baggage and property personal liability. The costs after an injury can be very high, so it is better to be safe than sorry.
  6. Talk to your supervisor
    Make sure your team members are aware of your plans and reassure them that you will still be able to work efficiently during your absence. Even if you work entirely remotely, your contract may not allow you to work from another country. Talk to your employer to clarify any formalities and travel abroad with peace of mind.
  7. Protect sensitive data
    Make sure you back up important data and take redundant devices you need. Also, find out if your IT department has any special procedures to protect sensitive information. This may include using a VPN or taking extra security measures. 

Legal stay - Digital Nomad Visa

Depending on the country, there are different restrictions on the length of stay without a granted visa or registration. For example, if you are an EU citizen, you can stay in another EU country for up to three months without registering (in some countries you must declare your stay).

Thankfully, many countries offer a Digital Nomad Visa to encourage travelers. To be able to stay in the country for a year or longer, they must present the relevant documents. Authorities usually demand proof of working remotely outside the borders, earning minimum income, and having health insurance. Some charge a fee. After meeting the requirements, travelers can enjoy the benefits of the nomad lifestyle.

Barbados is one of the beautiful places where remote workers can get Digital Nomad Visas. Enjoy visiting this island for up to twelve months and work on the sandy beach with the sounds of the ocean. If you prefer a colder climate, we encourage you to visit Iceland. A long-term visa for remote work permits travelers to stay there for 90 to 180 days.

Similarly, countries like Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Malta and many more provide long-term visas. Our article was written for educational purposes only, so be sure to check the conditions of your stay before you go.

Sites and apps for Digital Nomads to make travel easier

Starter page for every digital nomad. It's not only a city ranking based on travelers' opinions but also an online community. The scores show a country's quality of life, weather, wages, and safety. As a result, you can make a more deliberate decision about your next destination. A great addition to the rank is the communicators for travelers. Find new friends on Slack and Discord channels, or even use the special dating app! &

Two great apps designed to find the best place to work in the city. Coworker aggregates paid working spaces, and Workfrom also includes the best cafes for remote work. Both show conditions, facilities, and prices. Workflow without distractions, we are coming!

Facebook & LinkedIn groups

Facebook groups are a known place to find your community of travelers. If you're looking for people with a similar mindset, sharing inspirations, and wonderful places to stay, it's your must-have. Traveling can be very lonely sometimes, so there is nothing wrong with looking for travel soul mates. Two groups that we can recommend on Facebook are "Nomadbase - The Digital Nomad Community" and "Digital Nomads Hub." On LinkedIn make sure to check Remote Workers Worldwide. 

One of the exciting parts of living as a digital nomad is finding new places to stay. Website shows great accommodations around the world with comfortable bedrooms, workplaces, and fun activities. As we can read on their page, it's designed for "people who value a community alongside individuality." If you're looking for a change from a standard hotel, make sure to check out this site.

Perfect app for camper travelers and backpacking fans. It shows the map with campings and spots in the wild to stay overnight. A huge advantage is the comment section from the community, giving useful information about the place. No more surprises during the next stop!


Traveling as a digital nomad offers an exciting opportunity to combine work with adventure. Despite the appeal of this vision, the nomadic lifestyle comes with its challenges, such as potential loneliness and the need for careful planning. But by adopting flexibility, staying connected to local and travel communities, and following legal requirements, digital nomads can truly make the world their office.


WYSE Travel Confederation: Growth and developments in the digital nomad market since COVID-19

Move over digital nomads, the anywhere worker has arrived - Lonely Planet

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